
Our academic programs support creative practitioners who strive for a world that’s brighter, more inclusive, relentlessly innovative, and ecologically resilient.


Diploma programs

Waratah Polytechnic is dedicated to providing practical, industry-relevant education that prepares students for success in the workforce. With a focus on excellence in teaching and learning, Waratah offers a range of courses designed to meet the demands of today’s job market. The institution emphasizes hands-on experience, cultural diversity, and a supportive learning environment, helping students to build essential skills and make valuable industry connections. Whether through traditional classroom settings or online learning, Waratah is committed to fostering career-ready graduates.

Degree Level

Our multidimensional academic programs free students from conventional boundaries, allowing them to learn deeply from many perspectives. They can explore courses across our colleges and disciplines and become immersed in multiple areas of learning related to their areas of interest. The benefits of this academic freedom are enormous.

What makes Waratah polytechnic different?

Waratah Polytechnic is not just another private RTO delivering courses for international students, we live by trades too! We are an industry leader in delivering and specialising trade based courses ranging from Certificate III level to Diploma level focusing on industry-driven and outcome based learning facilities to students where students experience state-of-the-art facilities from classroom to practical learning delivered by some of the most reputed industry professionals with more than 20 years of experience not just training but actually working in the field as a builder, carpenter, technician, business professionals, etc. Therefore, at Waratah Polytechnic, students are not only learning from theory and practical classes they are also involved in hands-on experience directly from our industry leaders in business.


Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?