Privacy & Policy

Privacy Statement: Personal Information and Consumer Protection

We collect personal information during your enrolment to comply with the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018). This helps ensure compliance with visa conditions and obligations under Australian immigration laws. The authority to collect your information is granted by these laws, and it may be shared with the Australian Government, designated authorities, the Tuition Assurance Scheme, and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager.

We are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988, which means that your information will only be disclosed without consent when required or authorised by law. Additionally, this agreement does not limit your rights under the Australian Consumer Law, should it apply to your situation.

Course Progress and Attendance Policy

Maintaining Satisfactory Progress

To remain enrolled, students must maintain satisfactory attendance and course progress. Regular monitoring will occur, and if standards are not met, we will contact you. Failure to improve progress may result in the cancellation of enrolment.

Attendance Requirements

You are required to attend at least 80% of scheduled course contact hours. If your attendance drops below this, or if you miss 5 consecutive days of classes, a First Warning Letter will be issued. If you continue to fall short of the attendance requirement by the end of the study period (6 months), a Notice of Intention to Report will be issued, which may result in enrolment cancellation. You will have access to our complaints and appeals process throughout.

Course Progress Requirements

You are required to demonstrate competence in at least 50% of units delivered during each study period (6 months). Failure to meet this will result in a First Warning Letter. If you still do not meet progress requirements in the next study period, a Notice of Intention to Report will be issued. As with attendance, you will have access to our complaints and appeals process during this time.

Waiver and Indemnity

By enrolling in our courses, you agree to comply with all Institute policies and procedures. You acknowledge that course participation involves risks, particularly in practical sessions, and accept those risks voluntarily.

You understand that Institute insurance provides limited cover for injuries or damages incurred during participation. We recommend that you obtain additional personal insurance if needed.

Release and Indemnity

By enrolling, you:

  1. Release the Institute from all claims or legal actions related to injuries or damages arising from your participation.
  2. Indemnify the Institute against claims made by third parties related to your involvement in the course, except where covered by Institute insurance.

Fitness to Participate

You declare that you are medically and physically fit to participate in the course. If your fitness changes, you must notify the Institute immediately. This declaration will be relied upon throughout your participation.

Medical Treatment

You consent to receive necessary medical treatment during your course, as determined by the Institute or its representatives. You also agree to cover any costs incurred for such treatment.


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